Here we are…another wonderful Monday. My favorite day of the week. A chance to renew, get stuff done, do better,feel better, cross things off the list, and be better than I was last week.
Again, here are some lessons learned and events that transpired over the last week.
- Can I just get a hooray…I got my taxes done and off to the CPA! The best part of owning your own small business (insert sarcasm here).
- We got to talk to Ethan several times this week. He is settling in and making friends in Rochester. I’m not surprised. He’s my kid that makes friends wherever he goes. We got to Skype with him Thursday and get a tour of his cute house. It’s adorable with walls covered in shiplap! Is it terrible that the whole time I was thinking how I’d love to shoot in there?!
- We celebrated Avery turning 15 this week. Fifteen, I don’t know how that happened. On the upside, my kid that hates being in front of my camera gave me TEN WHOLE MINUTES to photograph him. You can view our quick session here.
- According to my dad, I made the best chocolate cake he’s ever eaten for Avery’s birthday. I’ll take that as a win.
- According to me, I made the best chocolate chip cookies EVAH!!! Seriously, I’ve made dozens of chocolate cookie recipes over my lifetime and these are the best. In fact, they are so good I’ll be sharing the recipe with my newsletter family tomorrow. Sign up here if you haven’t already!
- My saint of a husband spent Saturday continuing Avery’s birthday celebration with four very excited 15 year olds at Fiesta Texas.
- Meanwhile, I spent that Saturday tucked in bed with my computer, a box of Kleenex, a bag of cough drops, and two Boston Terrier’s, binge listening to podcasts and editing. I caught the cooties from my hubby despite trying to avoid it like the plague. Thanks, Honey!
And, here are those delicious morsels of chocolate chip heaven. Happy Monday, friends! Make it a good one.