Focus Friday Vol.10


Focus Friday Vol.10

Focus Friday Vol 10

Focus (v.) to concentrate one’s attention.

Focus Friday Vol. 10 ~ A weekly recap and personal musings.

Whew! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted a focused edition, since August to be exact! The fall wedding season kicked things into high gear for me, and the addition of my once yearly fall family portraits are now in full swing! I’m basically on a one-way train until the first of the year. But, I’m feeling very thankful for so much of it.

Here’s a snippet of what’s been going on:

  1. I’ve had 4 beautiful weddings over the last 6 weeks, started my fall family sessions, and I’m still photographing my maternity and newborn clients. I’ve made dozens of trips up and down I-35, HWY 281, and HWY 183! I think my car is on auto-pilot at this point…lol!
  2. A couple of weeks ago I made some time to make it to our local Tuesday’s Together meeting and met some new creatives in this crazy wild industry. That’s always good for my soul.
  3. Saturday, I made a trip out to Canyon Lake and photographed my sweet friend Rebecca, and fellow photographer, from Houston’s family. I first met Rebecca at a newborn workshop about four years ago, and our paths have crossed several times in person and in the online community. What a treat to capture her family.
  4. Friday nights have been full of high school football for us. This is Avery’s junior year, and we sadly won’t have many of those nights left. I’m trying to savor every moment of it.
  5.  I sadly watched the LA Dodgers lose the world series.
  6. The holidays are fast approaching, and I’m already dreaming about all the goodies I want to bake.
  7. Today is November 2nd. I’ve declared this month “no weigh November.” I’m obsessed with weighing myself, and I’m going to try and break the habit of being compulsive about it. It’s a sad but very true statement. That number on the scale has a weird psychological impact on how I feel about myself. Enough already! I had to put the scale in the garage so I can’t see it or be tempted. Today is day 2. It’s going to be a long month! This stemmed from a nugget of gold I heard about habits. Good habits don’t serve you in the immediate but are invaluable in the long-term. Bad habits serve you in the immediate.

Until next time,


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The photos above were taken at the gorgeous Barr Mansion wedding venue in Austin, Texas.

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