Thank you 2015 and Hello 2016


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It’s that time of year when we start talking and posting about our New Year’s goals, resolutions, and making personal and professional plans for our hopes and dreams in the New Year.

But first, I must say than you to 2015. Thank you for the many blessings in my life this year. Thank you for the wonderful year the boys and I had getting to spend so much time with daddy. We were able to spend more time together this year than we have in the combined last 10 years…woohoo, for retirement! Just like today, sipping a cup o’ joe in a quaint little coffee shop in the middle of the afternoon.

Thank you for the wonderful, beyond my imagination, growth in my business. I photographed an abundance of adorable babies and beautiful families this year and came away with some beautiful friendships.

Hello 2016! I definitely have some plans and dreams for you. I’m not one to make resolutions but I do have some lofty personal and professional goals to achieve this year.

Get back to my fitness. I have definitely let my marathon running days slip away these last couple of years. The hustle is real and sometimes finding a balance can be soooo hard. I’m not planning on another marathon anytime soon but I sure do miss the “me” time running gives me.

Get back in the kitchen. Like many families we have gotten stuck in a rut of having the same handful of meals in a rotation. Me, being the avid cookbook collector, am going to put them to use and pledge to make my family 2 new meals every month.

Shoot for me. I’m going to pick up my Canon more and shoot something just for me, rekindle my creativity. I will be posting more of this on my Instagram feed and I would love to have you join me there.

Business. Of course, it wouldn’t be a new year without having some business goals. And, I do have some BIG things planned for the year. I’m still finalizing my 2016 calendar but will be keeping you updated via the Newsletter, posting here on the blog, and my social media channels.

Time management. This is a biggie for me. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the hustle of starting and growing a business that we can let other very important things (family) get neglected. This year I will be running my business as a 9-5 to have more quality time with my family.

What are some of your goals, wishes, or dreams for the New Year? Comment below, I would love to hear from you!

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