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Are you in? Hi Friend! I’m launching a bi-monthly newsletter to share information about anything and everything motherhood. As many of you know, I’ve spent a couple of decades (gulp!) as a Labor and Delivery nurse and I have a strong passion for motherhood. It was only natural that my photography followed suit. I truly believe […]

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Here we are again. The end of yet another year that has flown by. It’s that time of year where we reflect on the year that’s ending and set goals and high hopes for the year ahead. I have nothing but words of gratitude for 2016 and all of you who shared your lives with […]

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This little beauty belongs to a very good friend of mine. Ironically, we meet during the birth of her last baby girl two years ago. At that time, I was not her photographer, but her labor nurse. We hit it off and quickly became friends. I was blessed to witness and share the birth of […]

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Spending the last 3 plus years as a Killeen, Texas newborn photographer has allowed me to witnessing and share life and it’s incredible events that gets me in the heart of my gut every time. Caiden is this perfect little piece of heaven and I can’t explain how much it meant to me to photograph him. […]

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Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined the people I would meet and the stories of their lives they would share with me through my photography. I believe this gig is so much more than taking pictures. I am connecting with people on such a personal level that I am blessed beyond […]

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This is the story of Grant and Vicky. He met his beautiful bride in England, swept her off her feet, married her and brought her to Texas. And now, they are an amazing family of three. A typical newborn session will last about three hours. During that time, I love getting the opportunity to chat with the […]

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