2016 ~ Goodbye and Thank You for a Wonderful Year


Here we are again. The end of yet another year that has flown by.

It’s that time of year where we reflect on the year that’s ending and set goals and high hopes for the year ahead.

I have nothing but words of gratitude for 2016 and all of you who shared your lives with me.

I’ve watched you grow babies through beautiful pregnancies and give birth to those babies.

We’ve documented the first few days of life together.

We’ve captured the milestones of your littles and celebrated first birthdays together.

I’ve had the joy of watching many of you add another member to your family.

And, we’ve romped around in the hot summer days and cold winters together capturing your family.

For this, all of this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I spent the evening going through my hard drives and pulling up images from all the sessions from the year.

Wow, what a walk down memory lane. So many joyful moments my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude from all you and the friendships we have made.

Thank you all and may you have a blessed 2017!

It was soooo hard to choose but here is one image we captured together from every session in 2016.

I hope you enjoy looking back as much as I have.


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Amy Odom Photography_1702Amy Odom Photography_1703Amy Odom Photography_1704Amy Odom Photography_1705Amy Odom Photography_1699Amy Odom Photography_1701Interested in booking a 2017 session? Contact me here.

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