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Long summer days, hot summer evenings, and the last of the green grass. These are the  days of a Texas summer. This was the perfect evening to spend with two amazing  ladies. It’s been quite an incredible journey watching these two grow together. A’Vayah has had a long and winding road with her fight against congenital […]

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What’s in my camera bag? This is one of the questions I get asked most frequently is what camera and lenses do I use. While I’m more than happy to answer those questions I will mention that the gear does not make the art…the photographer does. Focusing on creating your art, visualizing what you want […]

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Springtime in May is a tricky time to schedule a photo session in Texas. It’s known for it’s long days of rain just before an even  longer drought of summer heat in sues. Three reschedules later and on into June we finally got to make magic happen with this beautiful family. Springtime is outdoor photo heaven. […]

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My mom has always said time flies. It’s especially true the older we get. She could not be more right. Where does the time go? If we are not mindful…it will just go. This weekend I  celebrated my 48th birthday surrounded by the people I love most in this world. I thought I would be […]

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You’re five now. How did you get so big so fast? Brooklyn, you are your mama’s first born. Special in every way. “Here stands a girl with a head full of magical dreams, a heart full of wonder, and hands that will shape the world.” ~ Unknown You have a smile is a drop of […]

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This very special lady celebrated her big second birthday this weekend. It was a spectacular circus themed event with all the trimmings surrounded by love, family, and friends. Happy Birthday, A’Vayah! It’s been awesome watching you grow! You are the most adorable little Ring Master I have ever seen! Your smile and your laughter lights up a […]

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