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I believe your pictures should be honest, a reflection of your life right now. I want to give you images of your children acting like the children they were in the moment they were captured. Real and honest. She laughs and plays like a child, not the baby you once knew. She has a strong […]

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It was a beautiful fall evening with the leaves in all their golden brown hues covering the walkway. The trees are still green with hints of  the orange color change beginning to happen. And, we had just enough evening light to get that magical glow. Marisol and Marianna…oh! these two beauties are special to me. […]

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Okay mama’s, raise your hand if you stress out at the thought of getting your kids pictures taken. What if they have a meltdown? What if they won’t smile? What if they won’t cooperate with the photographer? We’ve all been there! The list of worries can go on and on. Kids are at best unpredictable. […]

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Seriously, can we get real for a minute? Last week I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when a post from a friend stopped my scrolling finger dead in it’s tracks. My friend was asking for advice from her other mama friends for a recommendation for a mother’s day out for her little girl. But, […]

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Joya…just yesterday it seems you were a baby in your mama’s belly. I watched you grow in her belly and get bigger every day. It was beautiful the day you entered this world with your loving parents eager to meet you, surrounded by family, and a handful of their friends. You have no idea how blessed I […]

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Are you in? Hi Friend! I’m launching a bi-monthly newsletter to share information about anything and everything motherhood. As many of you know, I’ve spent a couple of decades (gulp!) as a Labor and Delivery nurse and I have a strong passion for motherhood. It was only natural that my photography followed suit. I truly believe […]

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