Joya…just yesterday it seems you were a baby in your mama’s belly.
I watched you grow in her belly and get bigger every day.
It was beautiful the day you entered this world with your loving parents eager to meet you, surrounded by family, and a handful of their friends.
You have no idea how blessed I am to have been there the moment your lungs first filled with air as you took your first breath.
You came into this world so perfect, vigorously crying, and showing off a amazing head of wild ebony hair.
The joy on your mommy and a daddy’s face when they saw you for the first time was breathtaking.
You are so loved.
I had the privilege of giving you your first bath and brushing those lushes locks. It was special to me and I will never forget it.
You were a dream baby during your newborn session…so content and peaceful. You get that from your mama…she’s calm, comforting, and patient.
Now you are one.
Time has flown by too quickly.
You are on the verge of walking, you still have that amazing hair, and your smile full of pearly white teeth is contagious.
You are curious, and a little bit bashful, and a whole lot joyful. Your name unmistakably fits you.
Happy Birthday, beautiful girl.
Aunt Amy
Amy Odom is an Austin, Texas family photographer. The studio serves the entire Central Texas community to include but not limited to Copperas Cove, Killeen, Harker Heights, Belton, Temple.
I am a photographer of motherhood and family.
I am currently booking winter and spring 2017 and it would be an honor to work alongside you as you welcome your new baby or celebrate a milestone.
Click here to chat about your own personal session.
Let's embark on this journey together where love, art, and time intertwine, leaving you with a legacy that will be felt for generations.
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