Monday Musings From a Central Texas Photographer


Mondays…oh, how I love you (yes, I’m weird). I love that Monday’s are a fresh start to the week. A chance to get all the stuff done I didn’t get done last week and another chance to do better. It’s a chance to reflect, regroup, rethink, and reconnect with the things that matter most in my life.

Whew! What a whirlwind of joy and emotions last week turned out to be.

Lessons learned and events that transpired over the last week:

  • First, and the biggest of all, we packed up our oldest son Ethan and watched him drive away on a big adventure in Minnesota. I’m so proud of the person he is and all the things he’s already accomplished in his short 22 years. He’s kind, caring, loyal, hardworking, and very driven. He makes this mama bear so proud. But, I still look at him sometimes and wonder when and how he got so grown up ?! Today, he starts an 8 week internship at the Mayo clinic in Rochester, MN to finish out his Master’s Degree in molecular pathology. I have to have a bragging mama moment…sorry! The Mayo clinic only accepted 5 interns from around the country and my baby was one of them. Dan and I will be taking a trip up there to see him at the end of April. I can’t wait! I’m waiting on pins and needles to talk to him tonight and get the scoop on how the first day went.
  • Along with stretching my creative wings at an adorable shootout at Star Hill Ranch, which you can see here, I  had two in studio sessions with returning clients to document life milestones with them. So much gratitude.
  • I spent two days at the hospital working alongside the best Labor and Delivery nurses on the planet. These ladies make the hardest days a joy. Thank you for that.
  • I spent more time this week shooting film and dialing in my craft. I get giddy when film scan day arrives in my inbox!
  • Sunday, the best way to wind down the week was spent with my family gathered around my dinner table, sharing stories, laughing, planning, and reminiscing. This week was extra special because my Aunt Donna is here from Illinois and we got to share a seat with her. Life is so good. These are the moments that make it!

And hooray for Monday because today is officially the first day of spring! Here are some of the beautiful flowers I shot on film.

Central Texas photographer

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