Let’s Tackle Those Goals!


SMART goals

I have a confession to make! I’ve been struggling lately with staying on track with my goals! As the busy season gets into full swing I tend to put my important goals that move me forward on the back burner. So, today I’m committing to staying on track. Care to join me?

I recently read a study that only 3% of people make goals and write them down. This is one of the key factors to achieving your goals. Of that 3% only 1% actually review them daily.

Where are you now and where do you want to be? What’s a realistic timeline to achieve that thing?

We all have limited time. We have to choose the most important things to say yes to. Setting goals says I’m saying yes to the most important things and that means saying no to some other important things.

And let’s face it…that’s hard!


People who spread themselves too thin are the ones who don’t stay focused enough to achieve their goal.

Goals define what’s important ahead of time so when those moments arise to derail you (hello Netflix binging!) you have those filters to say ~ ok, this is what I’m pursuing and this is the natural choice.

Life brings distractions!

Say no to some of those things to stay focused and set yourself up for success to do those things you want to do.

When you get to the end you’ll be proud of what you’ve done!

How are we going to get this done? Enter…SMART goals.

  1. Specific ~ Get clear on what you want. Give yourself something meaningful and motivating to work toward
  2. Measurable ~  Address how much? How many? How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal?
  3. Attainable ~ Does it fit within your parameters? Lifestyle? Around your family?
  4. Timely ~ Put a date on it. It’s crucial to our psychology to put a time stamp on it.

Increase your chances of success and have someone to hold you accountable to your goals!

I’m cheering for you!



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