Focus Friday Vol. 8


Focus Friday Vol. 8

Focus Friday Vol. 8

Focus: (v.) to concentrate one’s attention.

Focus Friday Vol. 8 ~ A weekly recap and personal musings.

I’m not gonna pretend ya’ll…the week started a bit rough for me. A few disappointing events got me off to a rocky start on Monday and left me feeling a bit down. The Universe works in mysterious ways. After my lousy Monday, I had an email in my inbox with just the message I needed to hear. It read, “Keep working towards your BIG dreams, but remain content and committed right where you are in the moment.”  Thank you, Julie Paisley, I felt like your words were meant just for me. I will admit that sometimes I struggle with being content with where I am. This statement pertains to my thoughts around my business and my craft. I can get impatient when my vision takes me longer than I want or turns in a direction I never saw coming. Although, that directions usually is the better path. Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and move forward…am I right? So, forward I go…marching towards my BIG dreams.

Here’s how the week shook out:

  1. I photographed the cutest couple getting married next May! I can’t wait to share their session soon!
  2. I met with the sweetest bride getting married in Dripping Springs next March. I’m gonna repeat it again. The 2019 brides are planners! I love it!
  3. Today is Ethan’s 24th birthday. I’m sad he’s so far away, but so happy he’s doing so well. That’s all any parent wants for their children. I’ll be eating a piece of cake here in Texas in his honor!
  4. This is for all my makeup lovin’ ladies like me. I discovered a new favorite lipstick. It’s from Hourglass, and you can find it hereIt’s a little pricier because the packaging is to die for but it’s refillable and not as spendy after that. The color is moist, creamy, long lasting, and doesn’t bleed! WIN!!!!
  5. The best piece of advice I heard all week. “Remember your why.” I’m just going to leave that there.

Until next time,


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