First Birthday Cake Smash


First Birthday Cake Smash


The first birthday is always a big milestone and those words could not be truer for this little doll!

She’s been through so much in her short first year, and she’s just pure love and joy!

For her first birthday cakes mash session, her mama went Boho style and I love it!!!!

Lennon is seriously the happiest baby on the block!!!

I first met Lennon when her mama was pregnant with her, and then again when we did an in-home lifestyle session when she was 3 months old! You can see those sessions HERE and HERE in case you missed them!

Michael and Haley! Thank you for sharing your sweet girl with me! You know I just LOVE all of you!

Today is your day Lennon!

Happy Birthday!!!

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

Is there anything better than baby rolls?!!! No!!! Nothing!!!!

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

First birthday cake smash session

This beautiful naked cake was made by Lily’s Cakes, the cake wars winner in 2017!

Amy Odom is a newborn and maternity photographer in the Austin, Texas area!

Now booking Spring 2019 babies!!!!

Contact me HERE and let’s chat about your custom session!



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