Happy Friday friends!
This is just a quick update to share with you all the really exciting and amazing things coming up next week.
First, I have a ton of gorgeous sessions to share with you including Torri’s intimate in studio maternity session and some of the cutest babies from our weekend mini sitter marathon.
Tomorrow starts the beginning of the crazy exciting fall family season of sessions. I have very few dates left on my calendar. If you are wanting a fall session with me please don’t delay!
And, at the end of the week I’ll be traveling to Seattle for a work vacation to learn and shoot along side some of my industry peers. I’m just a tad EXCITED about this! It’s going to be good!
I’ll be sharing snippets of my trip on Instagram stories. I’m seriously addicted to this new feature. If you aren’t already following me I would love to have you. You can find me here, https://www.instagram.com/amy_odom/. I love to share my personal side and lots of behind the scenes of what goes in my life and business there.
I stepped in front of my hubby’s camera for him to get in a little practice…he’s getting really good with his skills! This weather we’ve had the last few days…AWESOME.
Have an amazing weekend!
Amy 🙂
Let's embark on this journey together where love, art, and time intertwine, leaving you with a legacy that will be felt for generations.
The List
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