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Every couple is unique, every couple has their own story but sometimes you meet a couple and you feel instantly comfortable and connected. Erica and Timothy are just those kind of people… warm, friendly, loving, and just plain ole fun. We met at Chalk Ridge Falls in Belton, TX and it was the perfect backdrop […]

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Graham…13 days new. The story and  circumstances surrounding Graham’s entrance into the world were eventful to say the least. He was in a big hurry to meet his mommy and daddy and made his grand entrance 6 weeks earlier than expected. Fortunately, he was a trooper and only had to spend a few days in […]

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Sami. The first time I laid eyes on this place I knew I wanted to shoot here. Pearl Snap Hall. The big dreamy venue is an old church restored by the charming owner, Sarah and her husband, into a quaint venue on Austin Ave. in historic Georgetown, Texas. The main room is my photographic dream […]

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Dear Avery, Today, you are fifteen. FIFTEEN! I can’t help but pause this morning, as I think about our plans to celebrate you tonight, and look back through the years and the amazing young man you have become. You came into this world with your own agenda. You were in a hurry to get here, […]

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Mondays…oh, how I love you (yes, I’m weird). I love that Monday’s are a fresh start to the week. A chance to get all the stuff done I didn’t get done last week and another chance to do better. It’s a chance to reflect, regroup, rethink, and reconnect with the things that matter most in […]

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As a creative, I find inspiration all around me. I love looking at and photographing subjects outside my normal genre to spark my creative juices. Bonus, it’s also nice to spend some time with other like minded creatives and gab, gab, gab. Let’s face it! My saint of a husband does tire of hearing about […]

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